
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Back To School – Potty Training

Do you have a child enrolled in preschool this fall but not yet potty trained? Are you feeling stressed knowing the school rules say they must be fully potty trained? Well we have the answers. There is a way to potty train your child in just a couple weeks or less. Some moms have used my system to potty train their child in 3 days! So where do you start?

1. Set a date to begin. Clear your schedule and plan to spend 3 full days with your child with no activities outside the home

2. Purchase 12 pairs of the thick cotton training pants (yes 12).

3. Get 12 small prizes for your child ( dollar tree is great option).

4. I usually get a larger gift as reward for 5 days dry.

5. Have a timer, food treats and a good attitude.

6. The day before you begin remove all diapers and paper pull-ups out of your house..

7. You will need 2 nylon covers (for night/nap)

8. I also let them watch a Potty video every day the week before.

9. A potty doll that wets helps the process along.

THE SYSTEM KEYS: Cloth underwear and timer

HOW IT WORKS: Train the DOLL to go Potty. CLOTH UNDERWEAR! Take the child to potty often. Set a timer. Give immediate positive reinforcement when they go in toilet. Practice walking to the potty, clean up and change clothes for every accident.

MY CHILD: With this system Haley did not go in potty at all first couple days. We quickly changed after every accident. She would grab herself and say uh-oh when she went since the cloth makes the feelings wet and uncomfortable. Third day she said uh-oh and had not gone in panties so I took her to potty and she went. We clapped, shouted, got a treat, called daddy! Over the next 3 days every day was less accidents and more successes. After a week she had it mostly down so I could take her out. I used nylon pants over cloth to protect when out and about.

DAY ONE: I taught Haley how to have the doll go potty in the big toilet rewarding the child when the dolly goes potty. We played this game off and on all day. Watch the video, and read potty books. This is the teaching day.

DAY TWO: POTTY PARTY: I tell her she is a big girl like dolly. Put her in CLOTH training pants give her lots to drink. Every half hour check panties. If dry praise then take her to potty. If goes in potty reward with candy or sticker and lots of praise. Expect lots of accidents the first couple days until they get the uh-oh and are still dry. REWARD EVERY SUCCESS! For every accident help her run to the potty and say Uh-oh we must potty in the toilet then help her change into dry pants. Practice walking back and forth from the place of accident to potty.

TIMER: Use your timer. At first I set it for 30 minutes. I take her in every 30 minutes until we have a dry day. Then I go to 45 minutes until we have a dry day. Then I move to 1 hour. I continue sending them to the potty every hour for several weeks. Then as they start asking to go potty you can move the timer to 1.5-2 hours.

BED TIME: For nap and bed put a sheet protector under the sheet. Put on two pairs of cloth training pants and vinyl pants over. Change them to dry panties immediately upon waking. Use vinyl pants over cloth training pants only when out in public or in bed.

CONTINUE for the next 2 weeks. Praise every success. Help change every accident quickly. At the end of 2 weeks you will be having more successes than accidents. I find most kids really get it in this 2 week period.

PULL-UPS VS CLOTH: I get asked often why they cannot use paper pull-ups. Every mom I have known training with pull-up takes 6-9 months. The child simply does not get the uncomfortable, out of control, wet feeling with paper. CLOTH is the only way (in my experience) to potty train in 2 weeks or less. It really is the key.

ACCIDENTS: You may experience accidents again a couple weeks after training is complete. The solution is simply to go back to using the timer (set for 60 minutes) again. Usually the accident occurs when the parent stops sending the child to the potty regularly. The timer is a reminder to the parent and the child that it is potty time.

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